Postpartum Depression
Your dream has come true! While it’s no longer the two of you, you find yourself unable to manage what has happened to your mind, as well as your body! Experiencing guilt about feelings, which you may view as unacceptable or unimaginable, you keep this angst to yourself and see yourself closing off from others. You may find it incomprehensible that this unanticipated ambivalence is something that other women are experiencing.
Transitioning from a family of two to one with children requires major adjustments. The greater the stress in ones life and the absence of adequate support increases the possibility of post-partum depression. It is the support from family and friends that provides the structure from which a post-partum Mom can take encouragement and reassurance. While the kindness, acceptance and helping hands of those who genuinely care about you are invaluable, it is not uncommon to feel vulnerable and depressed. While these feelings may not make sense to you, they are very understandable. Do you wonder “Why?”
Many do not grasp the major shifts occurring within a woman’s body and mind during the pregnancy and postpartum stages. Throughout this time the woman begins to bond with her baby, while her body is accommodating to the growing child in utero. During the post-partum stage the bonding continues, as the Mom’s body is slowly returning to the pre-pregnancy state.
There is a lot going on here physically, emotionally and biochemically, wouldn’t you say!
Depending upon a number of variables depressed feelings surface and often seem interminable. However, I give you my word they are not. Within our therapeutic relationship you will receive emotional support and behavioral guidance. Through a weaving of these experiences you will be helped to weather the storms inherent in any transition, but most importantly that of pregnancy into motherhood. How you define and describe yourself as a women, wife and mother and the goals you set are all impacted by this new relationship. It is one that impacts on all others in your life. This is the time to take good care of yourself on an emotional level, so that every other part of your life and your family’s life can be well cared for!
Call me at (516) 627-1145 for a complimentary consultation to discuss any of these or related topics.
Dr. Maryann B Schaefer
Ph.D. – Counseling, Concentration in Psychology
NYS Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Fellow of American Psychotherapy Association
Phone: (516) 627-1145
5 Travers Street Manhasset, NY 11030
Office Hours: By appointment only.